Management of share register
Servando can administrate a companyÂŽs share register in a digital service and assist with sell or purchases.
Servando can administrate a companyÂŽs share register in a digital service and assist with sell or purchases.
Our service is a support to the companyÂŽs board of directors and their responsibility to manage the share register and to individual shareholders for their control. The share register is managed totally digital where both company and shareholders get an own account for login to easily manage the shares. On top of the digital solution Servando will add the practical management and project leading.
The service often starts with a transfer of an older analogue share register, for example in Excel, to the digital solution. After that Servando manage the share register and monitor updates and could provide the company and the board with an updated share register to control the shareholding, as a base to call for general meetings or make dividends. Servando can also assist to draft the first share register and investigate the shareholding positions in an existing share register.
Servando can take the complete role to assist with purchases and sell by draft of promissory notes, handle any special clauses, and finally update the share register.
With our assistance we will make it easier and more efficient for the board in their responsibility to manage the share register and for each shareholder to manage their shares. The service is signed as a subscription with a fee based on the numbers of shareholders and requested parts in the assignment.
Call us and we will assist you with your questions.